UCSD Pascal
Starting in 1974, Kenneth Bowles – who at the time directed UC San Diego’s Computing Center – began to adapt the computer language Pascal for use on so-called “microcomputers,” precursors of today’s PCs. His primary interest at the time was a programming language that would allow students to work individually on projects without waiting their […]
Building Bridges Across Nations
Have you ever wondered how Amazon knows what products might pair well with your most recent purchase? Or how Netflix knows what you should watch next? They use recommender systems. Two students from Mexican universities spent their summer learning all about these complex systems at UC San Diego. The students were part of the new […]
Summer With CSE
Sum-sum, sum-sum sum-sum summetime! It’s baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and…a bananiano?! Well, its UC San Diego’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering, so you shouldn’t expect anything near ordinary! That’s Summer with UC San Diego CSE. From High School teachers going to summer school classes to learn coding, to hyperdimensional computing to building robots […]
We Are CSE
From automated programming to giving computers the ability to see and be better work partners to improving healthcare and securing your internet use, discover the diversity of research and people who are the UC San Diego Department of Computer Science and Engineering with the new series – We Are CSE. Browse more programs in We […]