Category: Preventative Medicine

  • Humans: A Walking Ecosystem of Microbes

    Humans: A Walking Ecosystem of Microbes

    We hear a lot about the microbiome these days. But what exactly is it, and how does a healthy microbiome help prevent disease? “Essentially, we are a walking ecosystem,” says Dr. Sean Spencer, gastroenterologist at Stanford. “We harbor trillions of microbes on us, but mostly within us. The fascinating thing about the microbiome is that…

  • Demystifying Cholesterol

    Demystifying Cholesterol

    Take a deep dive into the multifaceted topic of cholesterol in this UC San Francisco Mini Medical School for the Public presentation. Dr. Robert B. Baron begins by explaining the fundamental role of cholesterol in our bodies and how it is transported systemically. He specifically addresses LDL (low-density lipoprotein), commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol,”…

  • Aging Bones and Joints

    Osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal degenerative conditions of aging affect millions of adults resulting in pain, dysfunction and decreased quality of life. In an aging active population, what can be done to prevent these degenerative changes, treat them when they occur, and restore individuals back to an active high functioning lifestyle? This series presented by leaders…