Job Won: Jump Start Your Job Search
Whether you are looking to make a career transition or interviewing for your first job, UCTV’s Job Won series has the information you need. Experts in networking, resumes, the global job market and more join host Phil Blair, Executive Officer of Manpower West, to discuss skills and strategies all jobseekers should have in their back […]
Landing a Job in Engineering
Getting hired is hard. From finding the right position, to getting a call back, to acing the interview – each step presents its own challenge. There is so much advice out there, but who better to listen to than two senior level managers at San Diego companies? Silvia De Dea from ASML and Janet Koenig […]
Your Career Journey
There are many paths to finding the career that makes you excited to go to work every day. Mary Walshok, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor, Public Programs; Dean, UC San Diego Extension explains how your personal and cultural values can shape your career journey. Andy Kieatiwong shares his story of going from student to CEO and […]
Flip the Script with the Career Channel
53,000. That is the number of young adults ages 16–24 in San Diego County who are NOT in school or working. This is a shocking statistic — and one that must change. The story is not final, but we must act now to flip the script from “disconnection” to “opportunity.” These are opportunity youth. When […]
Careers in Business Analysis and Project Management
Simply stated, project management, or PM, is a process of organizing and managing resources that deliver a completed product, service, or result that is completed within time, cost, and quality constraints and meets or exceeds the needs and expectations of the customer. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? The bad news is that less than 50% of […]
San Diego’s Talent Equation
Talent… it’s the key to staying competitive. That’s not just sage advice for some would-be performer auditioning for a plum role. It is a truism that applies to both employees and employers alike as they look to remain competitive in the global marketplace. The good news is that San Diego has talent in abundance. In […]
New Pathways for a Great Healthcare Career
Not since 1965 has there been a more significant overhaul of the American healthcare system. With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (sometimes known as Obamacare) comes a reshaping of the healthcare industry. As a result of these major changes, new opportunities emerge — opportunities to contribute in a meaningful field that is expanding […]
The Job Landscape Today and Tomorrow: The San Diego View
Most employers agree that the workforce of tomorrow will need a deep knowledge of computer science, IT, big data, math, and other STEM-related abilities, not just for science and tech jobs, but for all occupations. Such skills are essential for San Diego’s booming biotech and life sciences industry (ranked third largest in the country), as […]
Two New Shows on The Career Channel
Check out these motivating new programs on the Career Channel: Be the Talent Companies Crave: A Winning Guide to Career Advancement with Phil Blair Do you want to know the secrets to getting hired and/or advancing your career? Who better to share insights than Phil Blair who has placed over 500,000 people in jobs? Blair […]