Tag: Artificial Intelligence

  • Recommended for You

    We use recommender system all the time. A website will recommend something to you based on what you’ve watched, listened to, bought or who you’ve friended on Facebook. These systems attempt to predict your preferences based on past interactions. The systems range from simple statistical approaches like Amazon’s people who bought X also bought Y […]

  • Working with Artificial Intelligence to Keep Americans Employed

    We have all heard the dire warnings. Artificial intelligence is predicted to decimate job sectors already hit hard by outsourcing. Some studies suggest up to half of all work could be automated by 2030. That means factory workers, drivers, even some accountants may find themselves without a job. Jennifer Granholm, the former governor of Michigan, […]

  • Talking with Machines – Artificial Intelligence

    With the vast amount of data available in digital form, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evolving rapidly. If you’ve even been caught on a phone tree with a computer that doesn’t understand what you are saying, you’ll appreciate that scientists are trying to figure out how to teach machines to understand, to communicate […]