Workforce Frontiers
We know that the future of work is upon us–AI, robotics, global markets and online innovations are driving massive changes. So, what about workforce development? This event explores the boundary-busting, outer reaches of workforce development where job quality, equity, outcomes and opportunity take center stage. The program is presented by The San Diego Workforce Partnership […]
Job Won: Jump Start Your Job Search
Whether you are looking to make a career transition or interviewing for your first job, UCTV’s Job Won series has the information you need. Experts in networking, resumes, the global job market and more join host Phil Blair, Executive Officer of Manpower West, to discuss skills and strategies all jobseekers should have in their back […]
Landing a Job in Engineering
Getting hired is hard. From finding the right position, to getting a call back, to acing the interview – each step presents its own challenge. There is so much advice out there, but who better to listen to than two senior level managers at San Diego companies? Silvia De Dea from ASML and Janet Koenig […]
Your Career Journey
There are many paths to finding the career that makes you excited to go to work every day. Mary Walshok, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor, Public Programs; Dean, UC San Diego Extension explains how your personal and cultural values can shape your career journey. Andy Kieatiwong shares his story of going from student to CEO and […]
Middle School Students Explore the World of Work
What do you want to be when you grow up? That’s a really tough question, especially if you don’t know what the possibilities are. Join a group of middle schools students at Qualcomm’s Thinkabit Lab as they start to think about their future in the world of work and begin to discover jobs best suited […]