Category: Climate Solutions

  • Rain from a River in the Sky

    Have you ever heard your local weather forecaster mention terms like “pineapple express” or “atmospheric river”? These intriguing phenomena might sound whimsical, but they play a crucial role in our weather patterns. So, what exactly are they, and is global warming to blame? What is an Atmospheric River? An atmospheric river is like a giant, […]

  • California Against the Sea: Communicating Sea Level Rise

    Join Los Angeles Times environment reporter Rosanna Xia and Scripps Institution of Oceanography coastal resilience specialist Laura Engeman as they discuss the science and impacts of sea-level rise in California. Xia, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, reads from her book “California Against the Sea,” which recently won the Golden Poppy Award for nonfiction. Engeman explains how […]

  • Art and Science: Understanding the Effects of Climate Change on Kelp Forests

    Southern California’s giant kelp forests, composed of rapidly growing large brown algae, are among the most productive ecosystems on the planet. These underwater forests support a diverse array of life, forming a vibrant community that thrives within them. Kelp forests anchor themselves atop rocky reefs, a place where few other plants can establish, thanks to […]

  • Facing the Challenges of the Climate Crisis

    In the face of the ongoing climate crisis, humanity finds itself at a crucial crossroads. Our planet is experiencing severe changes in weather patterns, rising temperatures, and environmental degradation. It is essential for us to navigate this crisis and take decisive actions to safeguard our future. In her compelling presentation, Antioch University Environmental Studies Professor […]

  • Kim Stanley Robinson Believes We Can Solve The Climate Crisis

    What does the future look like? According to Kim Stanley Robinson, the internationally acclaimed science fiction writer, his book “Ministry for the Future” takes us to the year 2025, where our climate change nightmare has become a chilling reality. But while the novel foretells of what may come, Robinson offers inspiration and hope for how […]

  • The Shrinking Salton Sea and the Dust Storms Impacting the Imperial Valley

    Just a hundred miles to the East of San Diego, lies one of the largest inland lakes in the West. Formed by an inflow of water from the Colorado River, the Salton Sea covers 318 square miles of the Imperial Valley. However, as a result of combined human activity and climate change, the lake is […]

  • Big Data is Helping Firefighters Battle Wildfires

    Wildfire activity in the United States is rapidly changing. Many of these changes are felt throughout the West as weather conditions become hotter and drier due to climate change. California continues to experience drought conditions throughout most of the state despite the recent rains. The ongoing drought has led to a dramatic increase in wildfires. […]

  • Scientists and City Planners Work Together to Combat Climate Change

    With the increasingly growing threat of climate change, coastal regions are more susceptible to a host of risks to the natural environment and our quality of life as a result. Our beaches and coastal bluffs are being eroded by ocean storms and sea level rise, ongoing drought leaves us vulnerable to wildfires and habitat and […]

  • Drought in the West

    Climate scientist Julie Kalansky discusses how drought in California and Nevada is a common occurrence, with the attendant water restrictions and threat of severe wildfires bringing the reality of climate change into sharp focus. Future climate projections for the region suggest a trend toward more extremes, including more severe and prolonged drought as well as […]

  • Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions

    Climate change is an urgent problem that affects everything from human health and food security to immigration patterns and water resources. With unchecked emissions of climate pollutants, there is a 50% probability for the planetary warming to cross the so-called dangerous threshold of 20C by 2050; and there is at least a 5% probability the […]