Category: Nutrition and Diet

  • 5 Tips on Emotional Eating and Plant-Based Living

    Have you ever wanted to effectively tackle emotional eating or transition to a healthier, plant-focused way of eating? Emotional eating can lead to weight gain, poor nutrition, and emotional distress, while a plant-rich diet is associated with improved overall health, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and increased energy. Gordon Saxe, M.D., Ph.D., and Anthony Lim, […]

  • Nutrition and Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts

    What we eat — and don’t eat — is directly related to our health. Poor diets lead to poor health outcomes, including cancer. Dr. Donald Abrams, integrative oncologist at UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, is an expert on nutrition and cancer. Dr. Abrams says you can never overstate how important the food we eat […]

  • A New Diet to Feed 10 Billion People and Help Save the Planet

    Human activities are responsible for most of the increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere over the last 150 years. While the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation, there is one other contributing factor… emissions from livestock such as cattle, agricultural soils and rice production. […]

  • The Magic of Mushrooms

    Presented by the Berry Good Food Foundation, the Future Thought Leaders series is an engaging portfolio of multidisciplinary programs that present varying viewpoints on sustainable food-related topics. For their 10th program with UCTV, the focus is mushrooms. Mushrooms play a crucial role in our natural ecosystem; they have been used medicinally by indigenous cultures for […]

  • Bone Health: Beyond Supplements

    “This is what I learned when I thought I knew everything already about healthy eating and living,” says Vicky Newman, MS, RDN. Her informative talk goes beyond the basics of calcium intake for bone health to highlight the importance of a healthy diet combined with physical activity. Learn about the exercises that increase weight bearing […]

  • Trust in Nutrition Science

    Can scientists research nutrition if they take money from the food industry? Nutrition scientist and author Marion Nestle has long been concerned about the way food company sponsorship influences (or, at best, appears to influence) the outcome of research on nutrition and health. She says that the idea that one food or food product has […]

  • Food Industry Manipulation

    Do you want to find out how various food and beverage manufacturers have manipulated science and public health policy over the last 50 years? Now you can with the new searchable archive of food industry documents at the UCSF Industry Documents Library. The Food Industry Documents Archive is a brand-new collection of over 30,000 […]

  • Why Diets Don’t Work, and What Does

    Diets make bold claims: drop 15 pounds in four weeks! Shed that stubborn belly fat! Get the abs you’ve always wanted! But, for most people, diets just don’t work. In fact, studies show the vast majority of dieters who do lose weight end up right back where they started, or even heavier, after five years. […]