Privacy, Policy and HIV Care
How does the current trend toward big data affect HIV? Jeffrey Crowley, a Distinguished Scholar and Program Director of the National HIV/AIDS Initiative at Georgetown Law, describes a new way of thinking about the competing impulses to protect privacy while sharing information that could lead to innovations in care. He examines existing privacy protections, explores […]
New Series Explores the Spread of HIV in Tijuana
Every once in awhile, we work on a project that touches our soul. Such is the case of HIV/SIDA, a four-part series that brought us in contact with people whose paths we otherwise would not have crossed. In the two years of field reporting, we saw many acts of kindness — the glamorous physician who […]
Preventing HIV By Understanding Patterns of Transmission
“Understanding the spread of infectious diseases in a population is the key to controlling them.” AIDS is one of the most devastating infectious diseases in human history, and its cause, HIV, has been responsible for millions of infections. Every 9.5 minutes, someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV. It is estimated that there are […]