Talent… it’s the key to staying competitive. That’s not just sage advice for some would-be performer auditioning for a plum role. It is a truism that applies to both employees and employers alike as they look to remain competitive in the global marketplace.
The good news is that San Diego has talent in abundance. In its recent study “Talent: Where San Diego Stands,” the San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation, led by Mark Cafferty, found that the region added more than 72,000 degree holders in 2014 alone, which was more than any other similar metro area. In addition, San Diego ranked second in the growth of degree-holding millennials when compared to such peer metros as Austin, Denver, San Francisco and San Jose.
While that mass of talent is positive for the local economy, it also means that there is plenty of competition when it comes to landing a job.
Join Mark Cafferty and UC San Diego Extension’s Director of Research, Josh Shapiro as they detail what skills are most in demand for the fastest-growing careers both in San Diego and around the nation. Also, see how San Diego stacks up in the talent equation compared to other competitive cities and what that means for the economy and your career.