Category: Health and Medicine

  • 1 in Every 4 Deaths in the U.S. is Due to Heart Disease

    Cardiovascular disease is the nation’s leading cause of death. People of all ages and backgrounds can get the condition. Fortunately, the last two decades have witnessed incredible advances in our understanding and treatment of heart disease. This new series will help you get current on developments in diagnoses, treatment and prevention with UC San Francisco […]

  • Can we keep our brains fit?

    As we grow older, we often become concerned about our memory. Dr. Ramin Motarjemi, Assistant Professor of Medicine and geriatrician at UCSD, discusses ways we can keep our brains sharp through all phases of life. He recommends: Managing your medical conditions and chronic diseases Maintaining higher levels of physical and mental activity as well as […]

  • Caring for the Caregiver: Fight Caregiver Stress and Prevent Burnout

    Caring for a loved one who is seriously ill is never easy. More than 80% of caregivers are either the spouse or child of the loved one they are caring for. Unfortunately, stress among caregivers is extremely common. Caregivers often try to do everything by themselves, which leaves them worn out. They are sometimes referred […]

  • Palliative Care: Live Better, Longer

    Palliative care focuses on improving your quality of life by managing pain and other stressful symptoms of a serious illness. Unlike hospice care, reserved for people who likely have 6 months or less to live and are unlikely to be cured, palliative care is for people of any age, and at any stage in illness, […]

  • Fast Facts about Testosterone

    Dr. T. Mike Hsieh sat down with Dr. David Granet to discuss diagnosing, treating, and living with low testosterone. Here are a few key takeaways from their talk: Chemically, testosterone is a steroid hormone. Andropause is the term for when a man’s testosterone level begins to decrease. Restoring a hormone balance along with lifestyle changes […]

  • Science of Resilience: How to Thrive in Life

    How do you thrive in life no matter where you are in life? If you’re lucky to live long enough, you know that life has many pieces to it. It has the wonderful bits: falling in love, having a career, traveling, following your passion. And it often contains difficult times: illness, divorce, and loss. How […]

  • You’ve been invaded – by your Microbiome!

    “If you like science fiction, I’m going to open with this,” begins David Granet. “You have been invaded. And the invaders are 10 times more than the number of cells in your body. They affect your health, they affect much about what your life does, and about who you are, and what you look like. […]

  • The Mind and Methods of V.S. Ramachandran

    “A lot of the time when you think the patient is crazy, it means you’re not smart enough to figure it out.” – V.S. Ramachandran Seeing numbers as colors. Feeling the pain from a phantom limb. Sensing shadowy figures around your bed. V.S. Ramachandran, PhD studies these seeming anomalies of the mind to discover the […]

  • Prevention is the Essence of Wellness and Good Health

    Certainly it is better, easier and cheaper to prevent disease than treat it. Although preventive medicine has focused traditionally on children and younger adults, current medical thinking is that adults — and especially older adults — also need specific attention to preventive medicine to minimize the chance of acute and chronic illnesses. This series with […]

  • Silicone Breast Implants and the Politics of Risk

    Silicone, not to be confused with Silicon, a chemical element that exists in nature, was first polymerized in the late 19th century. Not much was done with it until the 1930s when a chemist at Dow Corning refined it for use as a lubricant in submarines and planes. The first known medical use of silicone […]