Preventing HIV By Understanding Patterns of Transmission
“Understanding the spread of infectious diseases in a population is the key to controlling them.” AIDS is one of the most devastating infectious diseases in human history, and its cause, HIV, has been responsible for millions of infections. Every 9.5 minutes, someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV. It is estimated that there are […]
Need more vitamin D? Step outside!
Our growing concern for skin cancer has given sunshine a bad name. New research on the benefits of sunshine – and vitamin D in particular – indicates that it’s time to make friends with the sun, once again. You may know that vitamin D is necessary for Calcium absorption, but according to Dr. Robert P. […]
The Kids are All Right – Adolescent Health Care
With middle-of-the night-feedings, toddler tantrums, and elementary school behind you it’s time to face the teen years when our children really grow into the people they will become. Adolescence, the years from puberty to adulthood, is a time of change and intense growth – physically, emotionally and intellectually. UCSF’s Mini Medical School for the Public […]
Find the Right Path to Your Medical Career
Approaches to a successful career in medicine can be many and varied. UC San Diego Extension’s Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Program is one such avenue highlighted in The Persistence Factor: Alternative Pathways to Your Medical Career. This informative panel discussion features four experts in medical education as well as a recent graduate of this exciting new program. […]
Understanding and Protecting the Planet, Enriching Human Life and Society — UC San Diego Founders Symposium 2014
This annual celebration of UC San Diego’s founding in 1960 highlights guest speakers showcasing the knowledge and innovation originating on this dynamic campus. Areas of research cover various topics, from air quality and the environment, economics of energy costs and climate change, to personalized cancer treatment and big data. The 2014 Founders Symposium features top […]
Your Eyes Are An Important Part of Your Health
If you want to learn about all things eye-related from nationally recognized speakers involved in one of the most active vision science programs in the country, this series is for you! Learn more about: • How the eye works – or doesn’t • Diabetes and the impact on vision • Cataracts and the surgery to […]
Alzheimer’s Disease – Neuroimaging, Caregiver Concerns, and Residential Care
Continuing our in-depth look at Alzheimer’s disease, On Our Mind examines the patient experience as well as the impact of the disease on families and communities. Learn more with our newest installments: Neuroimaging Advances for Alzheimer’s DiseaseWhat insights can new imaging techniques give us not only to the biology of the disease but the efficacy […]
Your Medications: Making Sense of Treatments, Benefits and Risks
These days, medications of all kinds are being developed at an extremely fast pace. There are new treatments for everything from high cholesterol to high blood pressure, diabetes to indigestion, weight loss to male pattern baldness. Even more alarming, many of these meds, once prescription only, are available over the counter making medication use more […]
Discovering New Drugs and Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease
Watch the latest Alzheimer’s Disease programs from the Brain Channel: Embracing Innovation: Discovering New Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease How can we create more effective drugs for Alzheimer’s disease? Michael Jackson, PhD joins William Mobley, MD, PhD to discuss the process of turning an idea into a drug. Creating connectivity between basic scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and […]
When Drugs Do More Harm Than Good – Three Takeaways
Recently published research in The American Journal of Psychiatry shows that steroid therapies can cause neuropsychiatric damage. Commonly prescribed medications such as prednisone can lead to erratic and self-destructive behavior among patients. Dr. Lewis Judd and Dr. Sherwood Brown, two of the paper’s authors, sat down with Nick Binkley of the Diana Foundation to share […]