Category: Health and Medicine

  • Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the United States. The good news is that it is treatable in the early stages. This series of experts in the field is designed for patients, families, caregivers, health care providers and all those interested in information and tools to make informed decisions about treatment. […]

  • All About the Brain

    Explore the immensity of the human brain, its billions of neurons and trillions of connections, and the research that is helping us understand more about this complex and amazing organ. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s popular lecture series returns with four new episodes each relating to the brain. The lectures are aimed at a middle and […]

  • 3D Printing with Stem Cells

    Transplants are expensive and risky, and donor organs are in short supply. Researchers at UC San Diego are working on technology to change all of that. It’s called bioprinting. In simple terms, bioprinting is 3D printing with living tissue. Researcher Shaochen Chen has been perfecting the process in his lab for years. Bioprinting is a […]

  • What is in the Air We Breathe?

    “What we do in my group is we zoom in on the aerosols.” Vicki Grassian and her team look at aerosols at a microscopic level to determine their impact on our health and our climate. Aerosols can be mineral dust and sea spray from the ocean or created by human activity or stem from any […]

  • Breast Cancer Prevention

    Despite significant advances in breast cancer treatment, people continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer at astounding rates – rates that have remained essentially unchanged over the past three decades. Of the approximately $2 billion spent on breast cancer research each year, less than 10 percent is dedicated to prevention research. The opportunity for discovery […]

  • Searching for a Cure for Blindness

    There are a number of diseases that can lead to blindness. But, a researcher at UC San Diego thinks there might be one way to cure them all. It’s called endogenous regeneration. Think of a lizard re-growing a lost tail. Zebrafish can do something similar with retinal tissue. Researcher Karl Wahlin says there is evidence […]

  • Aging Bones and Joints

    Osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal degenerative conditions of aging affect millions of adults resulting in pain, dysfunction and decreased quality of life. In an aging active population, what can be done to prevent these degenerative changes, treat them when they occur, and restore individuals back to an active high functioning lifestyle? This series presented by leaders […]

  • Building the Brain With Alysson Muotri

    Inside of each brain, there is the possibility to understand how trillions of neural connections come to sense the world, record memories, create an individual, and shape who you are and who you will become. Can we ever learn how this happens? By using cortical organoids – self organized clusters of neurons generated by stem […]

  • Integrative Mental Health Care

    In today’s society, we are often disconnected from the elements of a balanced life, making emotional wellness harder to achieve. This new series brings together integrative mental health experts inspired by the wisdom of healing paradigms from around the world. Speakers explore and illuminate the multiple dimensions of emotional well-being and share practical methods of […]

  • Diabetes and You

    According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report of 2017, 9.4% of the U.S. population has diabetes – that’s over 30 million people. It’s likely someone close to you is living with diabetes. Do you have the most current information? In this series expert UCSF faculty cover diabetes from basics to advanced concepts, providing an overview […]