The role of the news media in our society has never been more important. But it can be difficult for journalists to keep ahead of the proliferation of fakes news stories, conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns.
In this thoughtful conversation about journalism today, Point Loma Nazarene University’s Dean Nelson talks with veteran journalists — and married couple — Donna Britt, author and syndicated columnist, and Los Angeles Times executive editor Kevin Merida.
“Journalism has stood the test of time,” says Merida. “It’s responsible for so much of the change in this country. That’s why we’re here – to tell the difficult stories.”
Britt says she was unsure about becoming a columnist when she was offered the role at the Washington Post.
“I was terrified at being that exposed and knowing that what I was going to write wasn’t going to be what other people were writing. It was going to be more personal, more authentic.”
Britts says a good story makes you care, and it is important for her to tell her truth without being cruel.
Britts says one of the things she thinks the news media needs to do more of is tell stories that highlight the things that people are doing that are good, kind, uplifting and inspiring.
Watch The Future of News.