Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life with J. Craig Venter

25527“We are DNA software driven machines,” states scientist and visionary J. Craig Venter, as he discusses the creation of life with synthetic genomics and his latest book, “Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life.” Venter is interviewed by The Science Network’s Roger Bingham, who agrees with Venter by saying,  “The capacity to blunder slightly, is the real marvel of DNA;  without this special attribute, we’d still be anaerobic bacteria, and there would be no music.”

35The Helen Edison Lecture Series is the result of a major gift from the late Helen Edison, a San Diego philanthropist who supported numerous local educational, cultural and arts efforts. In accordance with the gift, the Helen Edison Lecture Series presents ongoing free public lectures on issues that advance humanitarian purposes and objectives.

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