The Brick People


Bill Deverell, Director, Huntington USC Institute discusses the history of Simon’s Brick Yard #3, “It’s seen by many people as ironic that there is virtually nothing left there today, but in fact that’s fairly typical of Los Angeles having a sense of amnesia quality to its past, and an ineffable ability to cover up what once was, but when the Simon’s Brick Yard was roaring through the 20’s and even into the Great Depression period, it was seen to be the world’s largest brick yard.”

“The Brick People” chronicles the story and legacy of the first generation of Mexican immigrants who struggled to work at Simons Brickyard #3 in Los Angeles during the early part of the 20th century. The bricks they made literally and culturally laid the foundation for Los Angeles and the surrounding region.

Produced by UC Irvine professor Alejandro Morales, this documentary explores themes of immigration, discrimination and cultural foundry as told by former residents and historians of Simons, California.

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