Turning Cancer into a Chronic, but Controllable, Disease

768Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, founder of NantWorks, describes his vision for turning cancer into a chronic but controllable disease by using advanced rapid gene sequencing, supercomputing and other methods of analysis to transcend the genome to the proteome.

This approach has the potential to redefine how cancer is diagnosed and to develop therapies precisely tailored to the molecular profile of a particular tumor. Dr. Soon-Shiong anticipates a revolution in drug research, development and delivery of molecularly designed cancer treatments to patients.

Watch this important program in Cancer Research:

Cancer Care in the Era of Genomics and Proteomics


This program is the latest episode in the series, Overthrowing the Emperor of All Maladies: Moving Forward Against Cancer. Check out the archives to learn more.

Presented by Exploring Ethics, a Helen Edition Lecture Series.


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