Mexico: Twenty Years After NAFTA
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement, an important milestone for the U.S., Mexican, and Canadian regional economic partnership. Before NAFTA was launched 20 years ago, critics worried that the United States would lose jobs and more to the south, to Mexico. That did not happen. In fact, employment […]
Malcom McDowell — An Actor’s perspective on “A Clockwork Orange”
It’s been more than forty years since Stanley Kubrick released “A Clockwork Orange,” the dystopian satire that introduced many people to its star Malcolm McDowell. McDowell has a rather diverse resume – “Caligula,” “O Lucky Man,” two “Halloween” films and “Star Trek: Generations” along with appearances in television programs and recently commercials. But it is […]
Precision Medicine – Making the Personal Possible
Keith Yamamoto, the Vice Chancellor of Research at UCSF says, “The promise of precision medicine is enormous. It’s a very aspirational, revolutionary change in the way that research and health care relate to patients and citizens.” In precision medicine, data of all types — molecular, clinical, population-based — would be continuously amassed from consenting patients […]
Turning Cancer into a Chronic, but Controllable, Disease
Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, founder of NantWorks, describes his vision for turning cancer into a chronic but controllable disease by using advanced rapid gene sequencing, supercomputing and other methods of analysis to transcend the genome to the proteome. This approach has the potential to redefine how cancer is diagnosed and to develop therapies precisely tailored to […]
Nutrition Labels: How Sweet It Is
Lately, the subject of added sugar in our diets has been in the news. Most recently the FDA announced the first makeover of the nutrition label since it appeared twenty years ago. One of the big changes is the requirement to note how much added sugar is in a product. The new labeling now indicates […]
PrEParing for HIV: An Epidemic Interventions Initiative
Researchers at the University of California are getting closer to preventing HIV/AIDS. PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a prevention strategy that reduces the risk of getting infected with HIV by up to 99 percent. This four-year, multi-pronged series of demonstration projects targets young men who have sex with men in Los Angeles, Oakland and San […]
March Enews & Highlights
Sign up to receive UCTV News and Highlights by e-mail: FEATURED THIS MONTH Josh Jacobs Join Josh Jacobs as he discusses his entrepreneurial journey. Josh began his career as a software engineer, leading development teams. As Global CEO of Accuen Media, Josh is responsible for planning and executing the strategy for Omnicom’s programmatic media buying […]
The Brick People
Bill Deverell, Director, Huntington USC Institute discusses the history of Simon’s Brick Yard #3, “It’s seen by many people as ironic that there is virtually nothing left there today, but in fact that’s fairly typical of Los Angeles having a sense of amnesia quality to its past, and an ineffable ability to cover up what once was, but […]
February ENews and Highlights
Sign up to receive UCTV News and Highlights by e-mail: FEATURED THIS MONTH The Brick People The Brick People chronicles the story and legacy of Mexican immigrants who worked at Simons Brickyard #3 in Los Angeles during the early part of the 20th century. Watch Now >(New episodes premiere throughout the month.) Risky Business In […]
The “Free” Press?
Losing the suit and tie, Associated Press President and CEO Gary Pruitt returns to UC Berkeley to discuss The Free Press vs. National Security: A False Choice? Pruitt argues that a free and independent press is fundamental to a functioning democracy and separates a free society from tyranny. “When I became the president of AP, I told our […]